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Turning Happy Car-Buyers into Social Promoters

Learn how Snap21 benefits Automotive Dealerships. Watch our quick videos and dig into the details that interest you.

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Reviews from Snap21's Customers

Supercharging Car-Buyer's Social Advocacy

Snap21 provides a simple, easy, automated process to personalize and amplify the car-buying experience; and for your customers to share their experience with family and friends in their social circles.

Social share example

Capture emotion with Snap&Share℠

Your sales team can unlock the next level of customer engagement with our Snap&Share℠ photo capture app.

The Photo Delivers Stronger Customer Engagement

Asking for your customer's feedback with a photo review request—enhances customers' open rates and increases the likelihood of receiving a review. Snap21 also amplifies the response rate with our simple and easy review process.

Snap Taking Example Image

Personal Brand Association

The photo you just took can be coupled with a custom dealership frame and sent to your customer, requesting their review; it becomes a personal brand association that visually connects your customer to the Dealership.

Photos with Branding
Photos with Branding Example

The Photo Motivates Customer Social Sharing

Customers are far more likely to share the photo, introducing their new vehicle to family and friends—while promoting the Dealership and sales consultant. Snap21 makes customer social sharing as easy as One-Touch.

Customer Share Example
Social Share Example

The Photo Captures Higher Customer Star Ratings

By personalizing the customer's experience, you will receive reviews with higher star ratings.

Review Stats
Review Stats Example

The Photo Increases Your Volume of Captured Customer Reviews

The photo elevates review capture rates to 55% on average. In addition, a high volume of current photo reviews helps you stand out from the competition.

Review Share
Review Share Example

Photo Reviews have Greater Merit

Photo reviews are more authentic, credible, and instantly relatable. As a result, they'll have more influence on the decisions and choices of prospective shoppers.

Photo Review
Photo Review Example

Photos Review Sharing

Your customers share reviews, your business shares reviews, and your sales team shares reviews.

Social interactions add up. We measure activity as impressions. For you that translates into digital word of mouth.

Photo Review
Photo Review Example

Promote Customer Satisfaction—Customizable Dealership Website Widgets

Multiple display options are available across your website promoting reviews, team members, star of the week, and dealership recommendation rating.

Homepage Widget Screenshot
Embedded Homepage Widget Example

Self-Promotion Made Easy—Sales Consultant Reputation Page

Each sales consultant receives a personal Reputation Page in the Dealership's web portal. This page provides an opportunity for you to self-promote, link to your social media, and display your favorite client's reviews to elevate awareness for your brand.

Reputation Page
Sales Consultant Reputation Page Example

Expand Your Reputation—RapidShare℠ Social Sharing Links

Reformatted (branded) social sharing links deliver a simple, easy, and professional way for you to self-promote your reputation. You can even add this link as your email signature.

Reputation Sharing
Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn Reputation Shares

ActiveListening℠ for Service Departments

Our survey tools keep your fingers on the pulse.

Internal Service Surveys and Public Reviews

Our streamlined and customizable service survey captures a high volume of positive feedback. However, if a rating is negative, it dynamically expands to gather details allowing the customer to express their thoughts giving management the information they need.

You can choose to receive internal survey responses only or capture public service reviews at the same time.

Service Review Widget
Service Widget

Resolution Tracking

Actionable feedback is highlighted and tracked to final resolution providing invaluable fixed ops insight.

Resolution Tracking Example

Alerts and Notifications

Choose between real-time notifications or a daily summary that recaps recent submissions, highlights actionable surveys, and links to outstanding issues that need follow-up.

Alerts & Notifications Example

Analytics & Detailed Reporting

Service Reports and data analytics deliver high-level views of customer sentiment and detailed performance metrics that will drill down to view individual team members and help identify recurring problems or areas needing improvement.

Analytics & Detailed Reporting Example

Fully Automated ReputationBoost℠

Our best new features use deep integrations to operate without your team lifting a finger.

Search results are critical!

Just one bad average rating can catch attention and spoil your online reputation. Our ReputationBoost℠ algorithm monitors the ever-changing search results for your company daily and targets the one where your customers' voice will be the most valuable.

Salesperson Share Example

Elevate and Sustain The Dealership's Reputation

Monitor online review presence, identify sites where reviews will make the most significant impact, auto-target sites, and distribute review requests for increased ratings/index scores. Improved review spread, volume, and visibility.

Monitoring and Response

You won't miss a single opportunity. View everything on one timeline and receive a notification when reviews get posted.

Our dashboard activity feed is a one-stop-shop for building and managing your reputation.

You can turn on autopilot for the most active sites and let our algorithm post personalized responses Preview and tweak the wording right from the review notification.

Review Monitoring Logo Cloud

Dedicated Dealer Reputation Web Portal

We aggregate and present your reviews. You control the advertising and links. Advertise your specials, directly link to your inventory and promote your social media. You manage the marketing, and we'll keep your competitors at a distance.

Dealership Page
Dealership Page Example

Earn Greater Reputation Exposure

When new customers are searching, you'll get found by ranking higher in the search engines.

Google Search Results
Google Search Results Example

Save Marketing Dollars

Knowing which 3rd party resources your customers use when making car purchasing decisions and dealership choices — can help you negotiate prices with your service providers.

Market Attribution Example
Dealership Page Example

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- Close Reputation Details

More Social Sharing
More Reviews
More Referrals
More Revenue

To get more referrals, first, you have to ask!

Snap21's ReferralGenerator offers Dealerships three automated program options to generate more referrals—proactively
  1. Simple customer referral request
    (with or without a photo)
  2. Integration with an existing Dealership incentive referral program
  3. Custom turn-key incentive programs for customers and employees
    (track, manage, rewards fulfillment, and ROI reporting platform)

- Close Referral Details

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